Staying Fit with Yoga Exercises
After you have experienced a stressful situation, your body
is stressed and fatigued, but your mind and spirit as well are
heavily impacted.
Frustration, anger, disappointment, depression, shock -- all
are feelings that take a negative toll on our bodies --and our
spirit. We often don't recognize how intensely we are affected
by day to day stresses on the innermost areas of our being.
This negativity needs to be released to attain and maintain
our health.
One effective way to find relief from these toxic accumulations
of negative stresses is through Yoga exercise. Yoga exercises
are also a superb way to free your mind and concentrate deeply.
When you feel like shouting out loud or beating the walls,
you can instead release your tension through yoga exercises
that are effective and helpful -- and far easier on your decoratng
Works stresses can be relieved after a hard day by retreating
to your yoga practice regularly. It will help you to find peace
of mind as you become more aware of your inner self and connect
to your body and spirit as well.
Yoga exercises can be learned in school or at home. DVD's and
videos or any of a number of excellent books can guide you to
the peace and health you seek.
The Hatha Yoga exercises are highly recommended for stress
relief. Consistency of practice will bring quicker results and
you will soon notice improvements taking place in your body,
as well as with your ability to function mentally. Your spirit
will be brightened and your outlook and perspective changed
for the better. Additional benefits derived are toned muscles,
glands and organs cleansed, massaged and renewed, and a reinvigorated
spirit. Yoga practice of many types can make you fit, strengthen
your body, clear your mind and renew your spirit. A complete
package of ultimate health.
Your yoga sessions should always begin with a a relaxation
period and ended with one for the benefits of your yoga efforts
to have maximum impact, and to help your body accumulate the
postive effects over time.
Before beginning your yoga poses, relax and warm your system
to prepare it for the exercises to come. To start, simply lie
in a relaxed position and allow distractions to melt from your
scene. There will be no pain or discomfort, just simple relaxation.
Yoga exercises can be done at any time of the day and any where
you feel comfortable. Many find the morning to be the best time
to practice, before eating breakfast. By practicing your yoga
activity in the morning, the mind is usually in its most calm
state of the day and freer of distraction. Yoga is most effective
when you are able to focus free of distraction.
You should not eat at least an hour before your yoga session
so that your stomach is empty. Empty your bowels and clear your
nose from mucus. Find a quiet place where you feel secure, comfortable
and serene. It should be well ventilated and free from all unpleasant
smells, sounds and items.
Once you have discovered the yoga routine that suits you the
best, practice it diligently and consistently. You will soon
begin to see and feel the amazing transformation that is taking
place on various levels of your being.
Yoga is your simple, inexpensive and effective solution to
remedy the pain and negatives of our modern lives.
Yoga has been practiced, appreciated and has healed countless
numbers for thousands of years. Our ancestors studied, practiced
and developed these amazing techniques through the ages and
passed them along to benefit future generations. It is a gift
from the ancients, rediscovered for today, and just waiting
for you to claim your part.