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      Yoga Benefits -- Get Yours Too!



      Yoga's healing benefits affect us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, helping us commuciate with our own selves, and harmonizing our whole being.

      There are many styles of Yoga to choose from...and you may select the Yoga discipline that best suits you, your abilities and your lifestyle. Some Yogis practice more than one form. Feel free to try different styles -- there is certainly one that suits you perfectly!


      Yoga is recommended for many disorders, due to its cleansing nature. The practice of Yoga also increases flexibility, allowing us full range of motion into the elder years. By acting upon various joints in the body, some of which we might not even be aware of, along with our ligaments, tendons and muscles, our bodies become more supple, and less prone to injuries.






      Gentle Yoga exercises are configured to work in an integral fashion. The different moves, poses and exercises work together to create integrated healing influences not only in the parts we consciously know we are exercising, but also in regions we can't see or even feel.

      Our internal organs are massaged, our bodies are lubricated, our breathing is enhanced, our muscles and systems are strengthened, our circulation is improved, which flushes and detoxifies our bodies, along with a host of other wonder physical benefits.

      Yoga helps improve our ability to concentrate, and opens us to heightened self-awareness, which many find lead them to heightened spiritual connections as well.

      Meditative aspects of Yoga help us attain emotional balance, giving us more control over our responses to stress in our surroundings, and how we react. We can achieve a much more calm state of existence, no matter what flies around us.

      There are countless positives to gain from your Yoga practice. Don't let unusual sounding names scare you away. They are basically descriptive Sanskrit phrases for poses -- and you may delight in experiencing how "on target" these names can be for the various poses. Just look at the translation...but be inspired by the name of origin.

      Don't be afraid that a form of Yoga you may have seen seems too strenuous. There are several to choose from, as mentioned earlier, and you may have just witnessed a style that just is not the one for you. Yoga is basically a gentle conditioning and geared to allowing you to improve at your best and own individual pace.

      There is a Yoga style just for you. Explore this wonderful world of amazing benefits that await you. Yoga can change your life for the better in a very impressive way..and the longer you wait to start, the longer you delay wonderful improvement in your day-to-day life.































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