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      Your Basic Yoga Equipment

      One of great things about yoga is that it can be practiced almost anywhere, without all the expensive equipment often needed in other exercise disciplines. All you really need is the desire and attitude to really be involved in yoga and to expand your self-awareness. And Yoga can be enjoyed by all people of all ages. Anywhere in the world..and beyond.

      Millions of people around the world practice Yoga to cope with stress, feel renewed and energized, release tension, achieve a healthier and fitter body and gain a deep sense of self-knowledge.

      When doing yoga, start with a few basic and simple tips --and the selection of your most basic of equipment -- your clothing. It is best to wear loose and comfortable clothes. Yoga is traditionally done and practiced barefoot, but if this does not suit you, you can wear socks or lightweight soft shoes.

      It is also best to practice yoga on an empty stomach. Empty your stomach, clean your nostrils and throat, and consume a glass of warm water 15 minutes before you begin your yoga session.

      You may snack on energy bars, fruits or drink a glass of water an hour before class to avoid getting hungry or dehydrated during yoga sessions.






      Although yoga can be done without any equipment at all...and without any clothes at all - if you want to venture into Nude Yoga Aerobics - some yoga equipment and accessories can render valuable assist to you. Some yoga accessories can actually help you perform and perfect your yoga positions.

      There is yoga accessory equipment to help you achieve proper alignment and balance and make the pose a little easier to do. The use of Yoga equipment can also lessen the stress and strain from doing your yoga positions.

      Yoga equipment helps you support your muscles and avoid any muscle injuries. These yoga props also help to save energy by helping you to exert less effort on a pose.

      When starting out with yoga, you should know the basic yoga equipment that you may want to consider:

      YOGA MATS: This yoga equipment provides cushioning on a hard floor, especially helpful if your yoga studio floor is made up of cement or hard wood.

      Yoga mats also provide traction for your hands and feet, thus preventing you from slipping or sliding into a wrong position when performing your yoga postures, and perhaps getting injured.

      YOGA BOLSTERS: This yoga equipment provides support for your spine, abdomen and legs in a number of different poses.

      Yoga bolsters helps you achieve the utmost results from your practice.

      YOGA BLANKETS: This yoga prop helps you feel relaxed and comfortable, by providing added warmth and softness to your yoga mat. It can provide a cushion between you and the floor, be rolled up to boost your body parts off the floor for certain positions, and can keep you warm at the end of your session, during cool-down.

      YOGA STRAPS: This yoga accessory is either made out of cotton or nylon, and allows you to grasp body parts for stretches and poses, which you otherwise might not be able to reach.

      Yoga straps give you added flexibility and help you hold your pose longer.


      Yoga equipement and props can be especially useful to yoga practitioners who are suffering from ailments and for the less flexible and elderly.

      Most yoga equipment is designed to provide support to help you feel relaxed, get deeper into the pose or perform the pose better.

      Yoga equipment may not be a requirement for practicing yoga, but these yoga accessories have proven time and again to be helpful in their own simple ways.

      After thousands of years in existence, Yoga has expanded from its origins in India to all other parts of the world. Yoga has evolved via various teachers, who have added their own hallmarks to the more ancient practices, based on their experience with what works.

      Start with the basic of you...your comfort, your style, and your dedication. Then add other yoga props as needed to assist you in achieving your best yoga sessions possible.































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