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      Good Yoga Posture - Learn Some Simple Yoga Poses - Part II - Supine Poses


      There are eight major types of yoga postures and exercises or asanas. Within each of these areas are postures which target different areas of the body as well.

      The types of yoga stances include: Warm up Poses, Standing Poses, Seated Poses, Twist Yoga Poses, Supine Poses ,Inverted Postures and Balance Poses, Backbends, and Finishng Poses.



      Included below are a sample pose or two from each of these areas to help you begin your yoga adventure.


      Warm Up Poses - The Cat Pose ( (Bidalasana); Yoga Eye Exercises

      Seated Poses - The Easy Pose (Sukhasana); The Upper or Full Boat Pose

      Standing Poses - The Mountain Pose; The Chair Pose I

      Supine Poses - The Wind-Relieving Posture; Leg Reclining Lunge

      Back Bends - The Cobra (Bhujangasana)

      Twist Poses - The Half Spinal Twist

      Inverted and Balance Postures - Crane Pose (Bakasana)

      Finishing Poses - Corpse Pose (Savasana)


      Supine Poses


      A. Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana)

      Th name of this pose is derived from the Sanskrit 'pavana' meaning 'air'or 'wind', and 'mukta', meaning 'release' or liberty, freedom'. The Pavanamuktasana, or 'Wind Relieving Pose', shows that the ancients thought of everything, and that "that bloated, gasey feeling" and its oft aromatic results were problems thousands of years ago as well--perhaps lending fodder for some popular wise-cracking just as today...?...

      The Wind Relieving Pose works within the digestive system to eliminate excess gas in the stomach and intestines. Added bonuses for the same amount of work: the rocking motion of this exercise also massages organs in the abdominal area and serves to unstiffen and tone up your lower back and spine.



      • Keep your butt muscles and lower back on the mat, and see that your extended leg on the mat is kept as straight as you can


      1. Lie down and stretch out on your Yoga Mat.
      2. Inhale, and lift your right knee close to your chest, and hold it firmly. (Keep your left leg in a straight line and anchored to the mat or floor)
      3. Raise your head up towards your knee, while still grasping your knee firmly for 10 seconds.. Breathe, release.
      4. Repeat with the left leg. You can also do a slow, rhythmic, rocking motion while holding this pose.
      5. Complete this set by hugging both of your knees to your chest and holding them for another ten seconds

      If you are unagle to lift your head to your knee, you can do this exercise without, by lifting and holding the knee as close to your chest as possible. Push the back of your neck and shoulders into the floor while holding your knee, rounding your chest.

      B. Leg Reclining Lunge

      This Yoga Exercise aims to build and strengthen the leg muscles. A series of Yoga leg exercises are performed sequentially to work and tone fully all the muscles of the legs.

      This exercise, described below, is one of this series.




      1. Recline on your yoga mat.
      2. As you breathe in, lift your right knee up near to your chest. (Keep your left leg in a straight line and on the ground.)
      • Clasp the sole of your right foot with both hands.
      • Push your shoulders and the rear side of your neck towards the floor while rounding your chest, and firmly holding your knee.
      • Keep your left leg to the mat and your lower black flat.
      • Move your knee to the side of your chest, positioning your foot so that the the right heel is directly above the right knee.
      • Pull downward with your hands and hold in place.
      • Breath for ten seconds.
      1. Change sides, while holding the left knee to your chest for about ten seconds.
      2. Complete this set by hugging both of your knees to your chest and holding it for another ten seconds.































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